Chigozie Ifeanyichukwu Alex shares his inspiring story of how he moved from a C student to a first class graduate
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Chigozie Ifeanyichukwu Alex |
In my first semester in my academic performance was very poor, it was so bad that i could not solve a simple simultaneous equation, i didn't even know that a minus minus equals a plus (-- = +).
In my first mid semester exam in school i scored 24 in mathematics and 25 over 100% in physics. I felt so bad of myself, i reflected on this for hours and i decided to take a decision and my decision was to Work Hard in my academics
In other to be committed to this decision i made, i decided to let go a lot of things that will be a distraction such as watching movies, cutting off from friends that don't have same vision with me, and letting go of anything that is irrelevant to what i want to achieve. I chose friends i know i could learn from and was never shy or proud to seek for people's help in teaching me anything i didn't know
Back then i had only one desire and one prayer point. My only desire was to learn and my prayer point was to get addicted to my books....
There's one thing i have come to believe in life and it is that anything one can imagine, one can bring to reality. My greatest desire after my first mid semester exams was to pass all my exams and don't fail any course so i started reading like never before and because it was my desire and passion to learn i never got tired of studying because what i wanted to achieve was more important than any other thing for me
Because of my background then i decided to spend more time reading so i could catch up with my course mates, if they read for 4 hours i'll task myself to read for 8 hours, when they are playing i read because when they were reading to build themselves in high school i was playing so i have to catch up by reading extra hours
Before i knew it reading started becoming a habit, some friends started mocking me with it, they gave me names like Prof, Mr book, Jacko, and so many others. Some even thought i was showing off myself that i read a lot but deep down in me i knew what i was chasing so i never let any of their mockery kill my vibe. I understood that i needed more time with my books to understand what i was learning perfectly
And when it was time for the end of semester exams every other person started getting serious with their books, by then i was just revising what have already learnt. After the exam my Hard work paid off, i didn't fail any course! I had an A-, two Bs, a B+, a C and a C+. I was filled with joy because that was what i wanted and then i realised i could actually achieve better grades if i worked harder, so i made another decision to make better grades and increase my CGPA
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The fantastic four (from left Ojeh win, peter moses, chigozie alex, stephen) |
And it was another academic semester with my hopes so high not forgetting my decision to Work Harder for better results i brought together friends of like minds and we formed a study group called The FANTASTIC 4. We helped each other in areas of our different strengths, whenever there was a hard nut to crack we run to those ahead of us for tutorials. We studied all nights and i continued in the day because i understood i needed more time to learn some basic things they knew and i didn't know
My key strategy was to leave no stone unturned and never let the garbage pile up, meaning when am studying i don't leave anything or any area out, i made sure i understood every word i found in my book not saying this area won't show up in the exam or it's not an area of concentration, i learnt everything!. And never letting the garbage pile up in the sense that anything i was thought in class i go back home & study it well for perfect understanding, i don't leave it till the next class when a new topic will be added and anything i didn't understand i looked for someone to teach me and make me understand it before the next class because once a new topic was thought on that which i didn't understand previously it will be piling up garbage as i call it
I was committed to this strategy and that was how my story changed for good, after the end of that semester the grades were out and for the first time i had straight As, i took four courses and i had two As and two A-. It seemed like magic because i could see my grades changing for good. And i said to my self this strategy worked perfectly for me so am gonna stick to it.
So what i did was to set a higher target for myself and Work Harder to achieve it. My next target was getting some A+ in my grades and building my CGPA to 3.60 which was the start CGPA of first-class in my school's grading system
This will be the last part of my academic story and before i start i want to appreciate everyone that has been following up this story from the start, those sharing it on different social media platforms and blogs also those sending and commenting words of encouragement, i appreciate you all. And to the glory of God i have been receiving messages and feedback's from different people about the motivation this story is giving them, am happy youths are being motivated because that's the purpose of sharing this story.
So we kick started another semester and i kept working harder using the same strategy i shared in the part 3 of this story. By now learning has become part of me, whenever i don't read i get so disturbed in my spirit and if there was any thing or topic i have not understood it was always a burden to my heart till i learnt it. I stopped timing the hours i study, my stop time became when i know there's nothing left to learn on that book am reading. Some students don't read when they are hungry but whenever there was no food to eat my book becomes food for me, i study for hours on my empty stomach because i have a target and even hunger was not big enough to delay or stop me.
So from the beginning of every semester i start reading like am going for an exam and when it was weeks to exams when most students start reading that is when i start revising.
I started holding tutorial classes for my colleagues and those behind me because you have to share what you have to make room for more! Who would have thought that this dull boy before would be a tutor to students
Believe me when i say this strategy worked perfectly, because i could see some A+ in my grades at the end of that semester tho my CGPA didn't hit 3.60 but i had managed to climb from 2.91(Second Class Lower division) to 3.59(Second Class Upper division). Even when you plant a seed you have to watch it grow, you can't harvest it at once so i remained committed and it took me another semester to hit my target CGPA, and when i got there i raised my target bar again and made a decision to Work Harder to achieve it
In my final year i decided to go into student politics not because i loved politics but because i saw the pressing needs of the Nigerian Students in my University considering the weakening state of our association, i was advised not to go in for it because it will take my time and will affect my studies. I thought about this for days and decided to take up the challenge because i wanted to take my contribution to people to the next level and i needed to be there so i can make impact.
After the election struggles i won the elections, believe me this was when i faced tough CHALLENGES!.. I faced mighty mighty challenges because i wanted the best for my people and the best in my academics so i needed to balance these two things, i challenged myself that if i fail in one and be successful in the other that it will be a shame on me.
I had to sacrifice my lifestyle for this because i had to start living for the people am serving and stop living my normal life in other to serve them well. I decided to use the day for any student movement and use the night for my studies, on some lucky days when there were no movements i study all day to cover up then sleep well at night, anywhere i go i carry my school bad because i had to take my books, a shirt, my tooth brush & roll on along because i might not make it back home that day so i'll have to pass the night at any friends place closer to where i need to be. I was always on the road and whenever you see me in a bus am always bowing down my head, what could i be doing? I was always reading so i could meet up with my studies. All these challenges were doubled because my school had two campus so i had to always make myself available at any of the campus my attention was needed and trust me there was always a problem to solve each day!
I have never been so stressed all my life, this really shook my academics but by God's grace i was able to calm the storm through Hard work. I remember what happened during our Nigerian Students week program, almost all my executives travelled and i was left with my Fin Sec and Organising Sec, this increased my level of stress cos i was taking summer classes, i remember waking up one morning, looked at myself on a mirror and started shedding tears, it was like my world was coming to an end, i wanted to give up, i had an independence rally to organise on October 1st and the next day i had two tough papers which i had not studied well enough, the worse was that because of the summer stress my performance in these courses were low in the mid semester exams, after crying that morning i asked for God's grace to see me through.
Whilst preparing for the October 1st my school registrar warned me in his office that i had exams the next day and am in school trying to organise a rally, he advised me to cancel it but i didn't because i had set my mind to achieve it. And to the glory of God the rally held successfully and whilst everyone has gone home to rest i had to struggle with the mosquitoes in campus all night because of my exams the next day. To the glory of God i has an A and an A- in those courses at the end, in fact in one of the course i had an A making me one of the four students that crossed the A mark, to God be the glory!
With consistency this was how i was able to build my CGPA till it got to 4.00 out of the overall CGPA of 4.3. There were tougher challenges but Hard work saw me through i won't call these achievements miracles because they were as a result of hard work. After my final exams in school i had a successful handing over ceremony and i didn't stop working hard for students and humanity even till this moment. On 30th July 2016 i graduated with a First Class Summa Cum Laud Honor's in Electrical Electronic Engineering receiving an award from the school for my Excellent Academic and Leadership performance. With this award added to the leadership awards i have received since i handed over made me very happy, Wow with Hard work it only gets better!
If you ever hear someone talk or preach about Hard work just think of Chigozie Ifeanyichukwu Alex because am a living testimony of Hard work and a perfect example for it. No matter how weak or dull you think you are believe me you are above that just wake up from your slumber and make a decision to better yourself because not until you have that burning desire to be better you will still remain where you are.
There are no boundaries in life except the ones we set for ourselves so i urge you to make a MOVE from today because you are not a tree. As for me my story continues from here because i will keep working hard till i attain greater heights, i will keep working hard in the service to humanity, i will keep working hard to make Africa a better place and i will keep working hard in every area of life and with God's grace all things will work out for good
Thank you very much for your time and God bless you all
Don't forget, whenever your set goals seem unachievable never reduce your set goals but increase your action steps.
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